Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May update

It's been a long time since I've updated! I've been busy cross stitching, but not much else craft-wise. Here are some pictures of my projects that I've been working on:

I'm getting close to being done with Sinter Klaas! I just have the wand, the background, and the back stitching to finish. Hoping to be done by the end of June. 
You can't see much yet of Sacred Connection, just a bunch of snow. Finally getting to a part that isn't white or blue! Not too much change though, the next color is grey...

I finished page one of Mini Wrath. Taking a break from it for a few weeks, all that confetti was making me dizzy!

Here's the Pokemon that I've started, I'm going to be spending a lot of time on it this summer.

I ran out of color for Twisted Balloons, and keep forgetting to pick up more when I go to the store, so it's sitting sadly in my box for now.

Old Glory, although one of the easiest, is one I almost dread working on. I think it might be because it's stitched over two, which means more counting, and more room for mistakes. I'm slowly getting it done though. I wanted to finish it this year, but at this point I'll be happy to get half way done.

So that's the six that I'm working on!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

WIPocalypse - January Intro and Update

Topic: Introduce yourself, your projects, and any goals you have for the year!

Hi to everyone from the WIPocalypse 2014!
My name is Stacie, and I live in "sunny" Oregon! I love to cross stitch, crochet, sew, and scrapbook. My current cross stitch projects right now are:

Old Glory

 Sacred Connection

Twisted Balloons

Kris Kringle

Sinter Klaas

(You can check out what the finished projects will look like under the tab that says "2014 Cross Stitch Crazy")
My 2014 cross stitch goals are to at least start all of the projects on my list of 15, but we'll see how that goes. If I stay consistent with my crafting, that's good enough for me, even if I don't finish. I have a lot of other crafting goals this year as well, so I have to space everything out. 

This weekend is the first  International Hermit & Stitch Weekend of 2014, and I really want to try to finish Kris Kringle. I have lots of homework and a test though, so we'll see. I'll post an update on Monday. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Rainbows and Sickness

This might sound weird, but those two words went together in the house I grew up in. Here's why:

When my siblings and I were little, we had a rainbow afghan that we would use on sick days, when we just wanted to lay on the couch and watch tv. This blanket came to be known as the "sick blanket", and that would be the only time we would use it.

A couple months ago my sister, who now lives in Montana (we grew up in California), told me how much she missed having a sick blanket, and how much she wanted one for her house. So I decided that we all would have one for our own this year, and I'm going to make them!

The original one is a knitted blanket, but I don't know how to knit, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. I have two sisters and one brother, plus me, so that's four blankets that I need to finish before Christmas this year, so I can give them as gifts (except for mine, I don't care when I finish mine).

I found a Red Heart yarn that is pretty similar to the original blanket (I think) and ordered a bunch from JoAnn, and they arrived this last weekend! I'm going to get started soon, and I'll update on my progress. :)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Cross Stitch Project #5

Ok, here's my last start for a while. It's another Santa, there are about 10 in this series and I love them all! I made my daughter pick out which one I should do next, I couldn't decide!

I'm also in school starting today, so hopefully my stress levels stay down far enough so I can get working on some of these. Updates will come soon!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cross Stitch Project #4

My fourth project is one that I've worked on here and there for a couple years, and really got going on it again late in 2013. I'm almost done with it, it just needs the rest of the background, some backstitching and beading, and that's it! Hopefully I can get around to finishing by this Christmas, haha! Especially since I'm starting another one in this series today. ;)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Cross Stitch project #3

Yesterday I worked on my oldest cross stitch project. I got this as a kit about 10-15 years ago, started it, then forgot all about it. My stitching was so bad that I decided to rip it all out and start anew, and here's what I was able to finish in the little time I had yesterday (along with what the finished looks like):
Ya, pretty exciting isn't it? Haha, the kids were super busy, I only had maybe an (very interrupted) hour to work on it. :)

Friday, January 3, 2014

Continuously Changing

For my cross stitch challenge this year, I have been changing my plans over and over, and still am. My final (for now) decision is that I'm going to stick to the 15 projects, but I'm only allowed to work on 5 at a time. This will give me some breathing room, and time to be able to afford all of them! I only had two projects that I've already started, so everything else will have to be purchased.

Here is my updates for my first two projects:

On the first, I worked on Old Glory. I will admit to cheating, however, and starting it over a week ago. I'm a slow stitcher though, so maybe it evens out. Here's what it will look like, and here's what I've done so far:

On the second I was super busy with errands, but I got a chance to work on a new one, called Twisted Balloons. Here's what I got done, and what it will look like when finished:
So that's my progress for this year so far!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Getting started with my Crazy 2014 projects!

I'm starting on my 15 cross stitch projects today! I'll be starting a new one every day (hopefully), and will update every morning with my progress. Today I'll be working on Old Glory.

Happy New Year!